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(팔레스타인 소식) Peace does not exist with occupation

by yunheePathos 2010. 10. 6.

1st of October 2010 Bili'in, West Bank


Peace does not exist with occupation


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번역 자원봉사(한국YMCA전국연맹 생명평화센터,

Today in Bili'in, a hundred protestors walked toward the apartheid wall. The group from Ireland sang their Irish song when we walked to the wall. Some of the locals opened the gate, and called the end of occupation. Israeli anarchists and Japanese activists also joined our demonstration against the illegal apartheid wall.



The tenth of anniversary Al-Aqsa Intifada this week in Bili'in, dozens suffered by tear gas.
  It was organized by the Popular Committee against the Wall in Bil'in a massive march against the construction of the Apartheid Wall and the policy of occupation, settlement and settlers, under the slogan of "no peace with occupation. We began after Friday prayers from the center of the village. We  the Palestinian flags, national symbols, and the banner of great books out. There is no peace with occupation. Km Wharf where Information Irish and banners calling for support for our people in Jerusalem and stand on their side, where he attended the people of Bil'in today dozens of international activists, including delegations from the Republic of Ireland Palestinian Solidarity Campaign
(IPSC)  Irish delegation, the Japanese activists, solidarity movements, and the Israeli activists as well as dozens of Palestinians from outside the Bil'in and roamed the march on the streets of village echoing chants of national condemning the policy arbitrary occupation of Jerusalem and its suburbs, and slogans calling for national unity and the claim to continue the Intifada to defeat the occupation. When the march arrived the construction side of the Apartheid Wall Ha Jmtha forces of the Israeli occupation forces, positioned behind the wall and fired dozens of tear gas and live ammunition. Dozen of people suffered from tear gas. suffocation were treated on the ground, in an attempt by the Israeli army chased the participants to arrest them, but failed to do so on the track violent confrontations erupted between the participants and soldiers of the occupation lasted for almost an hour.

Iyad Burnat
Bil'in Popular Committee