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제7차 한중일평화포럼 청년참가자 공동선언(영문) The 7th Korea-China-Japan YMCA Peace Forum Youth Common Declaration

by yunheePathos 2017. 12. 26.

··일 YMCA는 2017년 12월 16일부터 19일까지 대한민국 광주에서 제7차 ··일 YMCA 평화포럼을 개최하였습니다. 이 대회에 참여한 삼국 청년들은 공동의 실천과  약속을 담은 '제7차 한중일평화포럼 청년참가자 공동결의문'을 발표했습니다. 아래는 한중일 삼국YMCA 청년들의 공동 결의문 전문(영문)입니다. 아래에 청년포럼 참가자들과 평화포럼 참가자들의 사진을 링크해놨습니다.

The 7th Korea-China-Japan YMCA Peace Forum Youth Common Declaration



The 7th Korea-China-Japan YMCA Peace Forum was held from 16th to 20thDecember, 2017 inGwang Ju, the city which is a symbol of Korea democracy movement and where many youth were sacrificed for making a better society. We, youth from 3 countries, shared our vision for the role of youth in making a society of justice and peace based on the youth spirit that we learned in Gwang Ju. Through this peace forum, We, Korean-Chinese-Japanese young people shared the non-peaceful situations, reached an understanding on our common peace issues, based on which the joint tasks could be carried out.

The situations posing threats to the peace of youth can be categorized into the following two. The first is the threats to the peace of youth’s daily life. Youth in Korea, China and Japan all face challenges in terms of youth employment, overly long working time, high living fee and heavy burden of family, which make them lose their presence of mind and vision for future, leaving them with no more alternatives for a better life and no more energy for attending important political and social matters. The second is the threats to the peace in Northeast Asia. Northeast Asia has been in a temporary armistice since the end of Korean War. However, North Korea's recent development of nuclear weapons and missiles has thrown a gloom of war over the region. And the THAAD missiles stationed at South Korea created a tension between Korea and China. In addition, the major political party of Japan is trying to change the pacifist Constitution, which pulls the region closer to war.

Despite these non-peaceful situations of youth, we want to make a peaceful future for all. The peaceful society that we youth envision and expect is a society in which youth are to express their opinions freely and to exert political influence actively, a society in which people are to treat each other fairly without judgments and are open and friendly to minority groups.

Korean, Chinese, and Japanese youth have been thinking about the practical ways to promote peaceful society. As a result, we decide to commit the following joint actions.


Action Plan:

Establish a YMCA Youth Committee for Peace in Northeast Asia to coordinate peace activities, share different perspectives on the common history of Northeast Asia region, and being part of the youth working group for the preparation of the peace forum. The Youth Committee will be composed of youth representatives from three countries who meet at least once a month online.

Run a Peace Weeks Relay Program for young people from three countries to take actions in successive three weeks in May, which has dates that bear special significance to peace, to promote the awareness of current peace issues among young people; information about the actions taken will be shared afterwards in effective and creative ways, such as making a video clip.

Advocate for integrating peace education into joint youth programs. With the support from national and local YMCAs, the Youth Committee advocates for involving peace education into existing and newly established joint youth programs. The peace education includes common history from perspectives of three nations, peace challenges and concerns that shared by young people from three countries as well as the peace issues that are specific to the hosting cities of the programs.


We youth suggest that, the next forum will take more time for conversations between seniors and youth for developing mutual understanding. Not only youth want us to be heard and our difficulties to be understood, but also youth want to listen to seniors’ sharing of their stories to understand them better. Not only this forum but all the YMCA programs are very much relied on such mutual understanding to achieve concrete effects.

We youth confirmed that this forum’s top priority is to keep our eyes to the history of East-Asia region and keep striving for making justice and peace. And we youth suggest that the topic of the next peace forum should be 1) History recognition, 2) Youth’s indifference to social injustice. To handle these topics we are expected to be aware of the marginalized people’s voices and our sins that we have ignored them. We youth believe that tackling these issues will result in the peace of Northeast Asia countries.

2017. 12. 19.

Youth participants of 7th Korea-China-Japan YMCA Peace Forum

<한중일YMCA 평화포럼에 참여한 삼국 청년들과 

'청년 선언문'을 발표하고 있는 삼국 청년 대표들>

한중일평화포럼 청년사진 1

한중일평화포럼 사진 1

한중일평화포럼 사진 2
