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한반도와 동아시아 평화

한중일YMCA 평화포럼 공동기도문(2014년 제5차 포럼) : 『동북아시아의 평화를 위한 기도문』 - 국가간의 긴장이 사라지고, 공존과 평화의 지혜로 변화하기를 -

by yunheePathos 2017. 12. 30.

<Kor-Jap-Chi Common Peace Pray : 2014, 한중일YMCA 히로시마포럼에서 작성>

Prayer for Peace in Northeast Asia


At the fifth China-Korea-Japan YMCA Peace Forum held in Hiroshima from January 21 to 24, 2014, the three National Councils of YMCAs decided the following three concrete plans in order to contribute to peace-building in Northeast Asia. Firstly, we will have the sixth China-Korea-Japan YMCA Peace Forum in Nanjing, China, and conduct the Peace Pilgrimage for youth during the forum. The Peace Pilgrimage will be planned and implemented with the youth to learn the terrible historical events during the war and to visit Yangzhou, where there are relics that witness friendly culture exchanges between China and Japan, China and Korea. We will learn from history and link it to our future. We will set the dates so that as many youth (ages between 18 and 30) as possible will be able to participate. Secondly, we will send the “Peace Bell” to each of the campsites of the local city YMCAs in the three countries. We will ring the bells simultaneously and pray for peace. Last but not the least, we decided to dedicate this “Prayer for Peace” to state our common wishes for peace and blessed strength from the Lord.




In modern history, Japan’s militarism led to the invasion of many countries in Asia and killed and harmed many people. In addition, it tore beloved families and friends apart and made them sad.


After the war, seeking to overcome this tragic history, the peoples of Japan and China as well as Korea became friends again as neighboring nations through a lot of effort of prayers and confessions, hoping for forgiveness and reconciliation. Moreover, the reestablishment of diplomatic relationships guaranteed freedom of interchange among the citizens of these three countries.


Unfortunately, these days relations between country to country have been tense because of disagreements over territory and disregard of historic lessons. Some politicians make speeches that prioritize their own nation’s interests by looking down on the peoples of other countries without considering the pain of the people who were hurt during the war. There are furthermore people who try to solve problems over disputed territories through violence or force. We have learned from history that extreme nationalism and many conflicts over land have led the people to war.


In Hiroshima and Nagasaki turned the cities into ruins and exterminated the lives of thousands of human beings. Moreover, these weapons caused diseases and disabilities to the next generation. We swore that “we will never make these mistakes again” and have made this peaceful era sustained so far. However, history tells us when the pains of war are forgotten, people shall be at war again without realizing it. At the moment, more than 20,000 atomic bombs exist on earth, which are hundreds of times stronger than that of the bombs released above Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If atomic bombs were used above 10 cities on earth, it is said that the human race would cease to exist because of the wave of radiation in the atmosphere that would be triggered.


Responding to the above issues, let us pray in the name of our Lord of Peace, Jesus Christ, for the sake of peace in Northeast Asia to enable the people of Japan, China, Korea and others who live in Northeast Asia to respect each other and to solve problems through peaceful dialogue, not violence.


Let us pray that sisters and brothers in our YMCAs can love each other across our borders.

Prayers for Peace in Northeast Asia


“May tensions among nations ease and transform into wisdom of

coexistence and keeping peace.”


Holy God, tensions among nations regarding the national ownership of land and the recognition of history are now increasing in Northeast Asia. The history of humanity teaches us that peace is easily distracted and that territorial disputes can lead us to brutal conflicts and wars.


This friction has also created distrust and hatred that has spread in each nation instead of trust and amity. These nations’ economies that have grown based on mutual reliance and reciprocity have been crucially damaged and innocent people’s lives have been threatened.


We follow the peace doctrine “That they all may be one” by redemption of the cross of our Lord Jesus, and thus, we have been exchanging youth and building friendship beyond our borders.


Let the leaders and peoples of each nation remember our friendship that has been nurtured, and let them foster mind and wisdom to solve our problems over territory through dialogue, not through force. Please make us an instrument of your peace.


We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Peace. Amen.


April 2nd,2014


Tu Hanqiao, General Secretary of the National Council of YMCAs of China

Nam Boo Won, General Secretary of the National Council of YMCAs of Korea

Shimada Shigeru, General Secretary of the National Council of YMCAs of Japan




동북아시아의 평화를 위한 기도문

국가간의 긴장이 사라지고공존과 평화의 지혜로 변화하기를 -


하나님 아버지!

지금 동북아시아에서는 영토분쟁과 과거사 인식의 격차로 인한 긴장이 고조되고 있습니다역사를 돌이켜보면 평화는 쉽게 깨어질 수 있으며영토분쟁은 잔혹한 갈등과 전쟁으로 이어지곤 했습니다.


또한 이 갈등으로 신뢰와 우정 대신 불신과 증오가 각국에 퍼졌습니다이로 인해 상호의존과 호혜에 기반하여 성장한 한··일의 경제는 큰 타격을 입었고 무고한 이들의 삶이 위협받고 있습니다.


저희들은 주 예수 그리스도의 십자가의 구원으로 그들도 모두 하나되게 하소서”(요한복음 17:21)라는 평화의 신조에 따라 젊은이들의 교류를 돕고 국경을 초월한 우정을 만들어 왔습니다.


각국의 지도자들과 국민들이 저희가 소중히 가꾸어 온 우정을 기억하고영토분쟁 문제를 무력이 아니라 대화로 풀 수 있는 지혜와 정신을 지닐 수 있기를 소망합니다저희도 하나님의 평화의 도구로 쓰임받기를 기도합니다.


평화의 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 기도드립니다아멘.


투 한치아오중국YMCA연맹 사무총장

남부원한국YMCA전국연맹 사무총장

시마다 시게루일본YMCA동맹사무총장

<Kor-Jap-Chi Common Peace Pray>











全国YMCA総主事会議会長 廣田光司

                               日本YMCA同盟総主事    島田 

<Kor-Jap-Chi Common Peace Pray>














