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한반도와 동아시아 평화

2018년 제 19차 세계YMCA 치앙마이 총회, 한반도 평화운동과 북한YMCA 제건 지지 결의문

by yunheePathos 2018. 7. 16.

세계YMCA는 7월 13일, 제19차 치앙마이 총회에서  한반도 평화프로세스와 동아시아와 한반도 평화를 위한 한국YMCA 평화운동을 지지, 협력할 것을 결의하였다.


Resolution in solidarity with Korea YMCA in its efforts towards de-nuclearization and peace-building in the Korean Peninsula as well as re-start of the YMCAs in North Korea 

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9)”

World YMCA expresses its support to the recent positive developments on the Korean Peninsula such as the inter-Korean Summit and the Panmunjeom Declaration (April 27th), and the US-DPRK summit in Singapore and the Singapore Agreement (June 12th) as a path towards a sustainable peace in the Peninsula and East Asia. In this context, we are also in solidarity with Korea YMCA in its civil society-initiated endeavor to help establish genuine peace in the region.    

World YMCA, therefore:

1) supports Korea YMCA’s efforts in its people-to-people exchange including that of youth, culture and sports, with a long-term goal of re-starting YMCA activities in DPRK, including setting-up of a temporary contact space for channeling above-mentioned programs in Pyeongyang in collaboration with international partners.

2) recognizes and supports the meaningful endeavor made by the Sino-Japan-Korea YMCA Peace Forum towards historical reconciliation and peace building in East Asia for the past 14 years, and express our solidarity for its future collaboration, as civil society, ecumenical movement initiatives, for mediating peace building in the Korean peninsula.

Faithful to the biblical teaching of Jesus Christ, “blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9)”, we, the participants of the 19th World Council, will bring our solidarity to the peace-building mission called upon by God to the YMCA in the Korean peninsula which still remains as the last venue of the tragedy brought about by the Cold War system of the 20th century.        

13th July, 2018

Participants of 19th YMCA World Council


<Greeting and Address of YMCA South Korea>

Dear participants,

The Korea YMCA once again would like to appeal for your solidarity on another important agenda on peace-making in the Korean Peninsula. 

We are all aware that the Korean Peninsula is the last venue in the world where remnants of the cold war and deep scars from the long-lasting conflict continue to threaten the peace and stability in this region and beyond. Despite the recent rapid development between South and North Korea as well as between the US and North Korea, the geo-political dynamics are constantly influenced by surrounding countries seeking their own national interests.
Following Jesus’s teaching, "blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9), Korea YMCA has been contributing towards peace building in the Peninsula through several possible ways. Furthermore, since 2013, we have continued to campaign for the government to declare an end of the Korean War, and to adopt a Peace Treaty – entering into a permanent state of peace from the current state of armistice. With the newly developed phase of mutual dialogues, including the summits between South Korea, North Korea and the US, we are appealing to the YMCA global family to once again render your solidarity to Korea YMCA in its efforts for peace building and reconciliation that is a common dream of all Korean people. We appeal to you to support Korea YMCA’s efforts towards denuclearization and peace-building process in the Korean Peninsula as well as re-start of YMCAs in North Korea

We once again sincerely seek the solidarity of the world YMCA leaders to help create a new history by sowing together seeds of peace and reconciliation in the Korean Peninsula and beyond.
