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에큐메니컬, YMCA/YMCA


by yunheePathos 2017. 11. 20.


Statement20174월에 있었던 세계Y연맹의 이사회(Executive Committee meeting)에서 통과되었고, 20187월 치앙마이 세계대회에서 추인 받을 예정으로 있는 문서입니다. 이 문서는 세계Y연맹 차원에서의 선언문이고, 각 국가 연맹이 이 문서를 토대로 LGBTQ 문제를 심도 있게 논의하는 과정을 통해 각국 차원에서 Statement를 만드는 것으로 추진될 겁니다.



포용적 가치에 대한 YMCA 성명서

(Drafted by Safe Space Working Group, November 2016 and approved by the World Alliance Executive Committee Meeting held on 1 ~ 3 April 2017)
 (2016년 11월 Safe Space Working Group에 의해 초안이 작성되고 2017년 4월 1일~3일 개최된 세계연맹 집행위원회가 승인)
The resolution at the 18th World Council in Estes Park 2014 requested that a learning group be established, representing different perspectives and geography of the YMCA movement, to advise the movement on how to deal with sensitive issues related to inclusion of all young people in the YMCA. 
2014년 Estes Park에서 열린 제 18차 세계협의회 결의문에서는,  YMCA의 모든 청소년 포용과 관련한 민감한 사안에 대한 운동을 지원하기 위해, 다양한 YMCA 운동 관점과 지역을 대표하는 학습 그룹을 설립할 것을 요청했다. 
Having discussions inside the YMCA about social inclusion issues in safe spaces is preferred over having potentially damaging discourses in public. This is about managing risks and to avoid splitting the movement. Therefore, the method used to facilitate this process is called a ‘Safe Space’. The goal of the Learning Group was to develop a movement value base and a framework for improved inclusion of all people, especially young people. 
안전한 공간에서의 사회적 포용 문제와 같은 심각한 담론은, 공개적으로 토론하는 것보다는 YMCA 내에서 먼저 토론하는 것이 좋다. 이는 위험을 관리하고 운동이 분열되는 것을 피하기 위함이며, 학습 그룹은 ‘안전 영역’이라는 이름으로 이러한 과정을 촉진하게 될 것이다. 학습 그룹은 모든 사람들 특히 청소년의 참여를 높이기 위한 운동의 가치 기반과 틀을 개발하는 것을 목표로 한다.   
The group has met 3 times since 2014 and the attached report contains a value statement for social inclusion as well as a frame work for responding to these sensitive issues to help the movement to facilitate improved unity and inclusion. The work was seen in the perspective of the Paris Basis and our motto “that they all may be one” from John 17, 21. The statement for social inclusion began here intentionally because this theological perspective is the YMCAs uniting statement and recognizes the very foundations of what makes us the YMCA.  
학습 그룹은 2014년 이후로 세 번의 만남을 가졌으며 첨부된 보고서에는, 사회적 포용에 대한 성명서와, 아울러 이와 같은 민감한 문제 대한 대응, 보다 나은 연대와 포용을 조성하는 운동을 위한 핵심내용이 담겨 있다. 이와 같은 작업은 파리기준과 우리의 모토인 “우리 모두는 하나가 될 수 있습니다”라는 요한복음 17장 21절에서도 찾아볼 수 있다. 사회적 포용 성명서를 이곳에서 시작한 것은, YMCA를 통합하고 우리를 YMCA가 되게 하는 근본적인 기초로서의 신학적 관점을 인정하기 때문이다.    
The statement for social inclusion begins with the Paris Basis and concludes with the UN definition of human rights.  The group has intentionally focused on what unites us and has not focused on creating policies or how to be prescriptive to the movement. The resolution informed our direction to be inclusive as an execution of our Youth Empowerment position and to enable us to solve problems confronting young people. The attached value statement and framework are shared with the movement as a recommendation from the Learning Group to be adopted.
사회적 포용에 대한 성명은 파리기준에서 시작되어 유엔 인권 정의로 귀결된다. 학습 그룹은 의도적으로 우리를 하나로 묶는데 초점을 두었으며, 정책을 수립하거나 운동 처방을 내리는데 집중하지 않았다. 이 결의안은 청소년의 역량강화를 위한 실행을 포함하고 청소년들이 직면한 문제를 스스로 해결할 수 있도록 방향을 알려준다. 첨부한 성명서와 프레임워크는 학습 그룹이 채택한 권장사항으로서 운동으로 공유된다.  

포용적 가치에 대한 YMCA 성명서

Diversity around the globe was accepted in the founding document of the World Alliance of YMCAs in 1855, where it is stated that no issues, however important they may be, shall divide the YMCA. The focus is on unity in Christ – “that they all may be one.”  
세계의 다양성은 1855년 YMCA세계연맹 창립문서에서 채택된 바 있으며, 문제는 아니지만 중요할 수는 있으며 YMCA를 분열시킬 수 있다라고 명시되어 있다. 초점은 “그들 모두가 하나가 될 수 있다”라는 그리스도 안에서의 단합에 있다
Therefore – diversity and inclusion are core to the YMCA movement.  Therefore – the YMCA movement is open and inclusive of all people regardless of their ability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background.
그러므로 다양성과 포용은 YMCA운동의 핵심이다. 그러므로 YMCA운동은 나이, 문화, 민족, 성별, 인종, 종교, 성적 취향 및 사회경제적 배경에 관계없이 모든 사람들에게 개방적이고 포용적이다.
However, we admit that we are not perfect in demonstrating God’s unconditional love, and that it is an ongoing process to become fully inclusive in order to improve our service to humanity.
그러나 우리가 하나님의 무조건적인 사랑을 나타내는데 완전하지 않다는 것과, 더 나은 인류를 위한 노력을 위해 온전히 포용하는 과정이 계속된다는 것을 인정한다. 
Therefore the YMCA movement must strive courageously against any discriminatory behaviour and will always abide by the UN Human Rights Declaration.

따라서, YMCA운동은 모든 차별적 행위에 대해 용감하게 노력해야 하며, 항상 유엔 인권 선언을 준수해야 할 것이다.

(Drafted by Safe Space Working Group, November 2016 and approved by the World Alliance Executive Committee Meeting held on 1 ~ 3 April 2017)

The resolution at the 18th World Council in Estes Park 2014 requested that a learning group be established, representing different perspectives and geography of the YMCA movement, to advise the movement on how to deal with sensitive issues related to inclusion of all young people in the YMCA.
Having discussions inside the YMCA about social inclusion issues in safe spaces is preferred over having potentially damaging discourses in public. This is about managing risks and to avoid splitting the movement. Therefore, the method used to facilitate this process is called a ‘Safe Space’. The goal of the Learning Group was to develop a movement value base and a framework for improved inclusion of all people, especially young people.
The group has met 3 times since 2014 and the attached report contains a value statement for social inclusion as well as a frame work for responding to these sensitive issues to help the movement to facilitate improved unity and inclusion. The work was seen in the perspective of the Paris Basis and our motto “that they all may be one” from John 17, 21. The statement for social inclusion began here intentionally because this theological perspective is the YMCAs uniting statement and recognizes the very foundations of what makes us the YMCA.
The statement for social inclusion begins with the Paris Basis and concludes with the UN definition of human rights. The group has intentionally focused on what unites us and has not focused on creating policies or how to be prescriptive to the movement. The resolution informed our direction to be inclusive as an execution of our Youth Empowerment position and to enable us to solve problems confronting young people. The attached value statement and framework are shared with the movement as a recommendation from the Learning Group to be adopted.


Diversity around the globe was accepted in the founding document of the World Alliance of YMCAs in 1855, where it is stated that no issues, however important they may be, shall divide the YMCA. The focus is on unity in Christ – “that they all may be one.”
Therefore – diversity and inclusion are core to the YMCA movement. Therefore – the YMCA movement is open and inclusive of all people regardless of their ability, age, culture, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation and socioeconomic background.
However, we admit that we are not perfect in demonstrating God’s unconditional love, and that it is an ongoing process to become fully inclusive in order to improve our service to humanity.
Therefore the YMCA movement must strive courageously against any discriminatory behaviour and will always abide by the UN Human Rights Declaration.
