17세에서 25세(30세까지 가능)에 해당하는 분들을 위해 프로그램하나 추천드립니다.
평화를 생각하는 외국 청년들과의 만남과 청년리더십들의 네트워크를 만드는데 아주 좋은 일정이 되리라 생각됩니다. 만남과 학습여행을 계획하시는 분들에게 좋을 것 같습니다.
팔레스타인에서 일주일 700불(항공료 별도) 프로그램입니다. 세계 각국의 청년들이 모이는 것으로 팔레스타인의 현실(단체, 현장 방문 등)에 대한 이해 뿐만 아니라 성지 방문 등을 통한 평화순례를 함께하는 프로그램입니다.
숙식과 모든 비용을 포함해 현지 700불이면 대단히 저렴한 비용으로 생각됩니다. 팔레스타인까지의 비행기 삯은 러시아항공이나 프랑스항공을 이용하면 90만원대에서 구할 수 있고요. YMCA 추천을 통해 참여가 가능합니다.
Greetings from the Joint Advocacy Initiative of the East Jerusalem YMCA and the YWCA of Palestine.
It is our pleasure announce out and open the registration for the upcoming Journey for Justice in Palestine, between the 29th of July (arrival) and the 6th of August (departure) 2017.
Youth between 17 and 30, from all over the world, in any background, religion or membership are welcomed to register. Hence, please spread out and forward this invitation to your friends, groups and members who fulfil this age and could join.
The Journey includes guided tours and visits into various areas and sites to witness life under occpation and the Palestine heritage and culture. This is besides professional presentationas and discussions on key conflict issues, while interacting and living together with Palestinian youth participants, to hear their stories / experiences / dreams and live their daily life. Palestinian participants are selected from the JAI activists and youth.
More details about the Journey with a Registration Form are available online. (Facebook Journey for Justice 2017 - Palestine)
You may contact us for any question or further information.
Best Regards
Joint Advocacy Initiative (JAI)
The East Jerusalem YMCA / YWCA of Palestine
If you have any question or concern:
E-mail: ihannouneh@jai-pal.org
Ibrahim Hannouneh
Media Officer / Exchange Programs Coordinator
Tel. / Fax: + 970 (0)2 2774540
Mobile: + 970 (0)598422840 / + 972 (0)522959720
Office address: YMCA Street, Beit Sahour, Palestine
Postal address: P.O. Box 19023, EJ YMCA, East Jerusalem
More details about the Journey
Proposed daily schedule (subjected to minor changes)
- Saturday, July 29: Arrival.
- Sunday, July 30: Introduction to YMCA, YWCA and JAI. Guided tour inside Church of Nativity and Bethlehem market. Wall and settlements surrounding Bethlehem area - witness confiscated lands and meet farmers.
- Monday, July 31: Jerusalem. Guided tour inside Jerusalem old city (Aqsa Mosque, Sepulchre Church). Lunch at YMCA/YWCA headquarter and meet staff. Guided tour with ICAHD / AIC Israeli group' activist(s). Evening movie screening.
- Tuesday, August 1: Jericho: Baptism site and Jordan river, YWCA center in Jericho (presentation about work and activities, meet clients, lunch), walk up Mount of Temptation and visit monastery, Sychamore Tree, Tel-Sultan Jericho 10,000 years old city' remains, free time in Jericho down town.
- Wednesday, August 2: Meet students at Bethlehem University, Free time in Bethlehem, Presentations on the BDS Campaign, Kairos Palestine Initiative, Involvement in the Olive Tree Campaign - future advocacy plans and follow up.
- Thursday, August 3: Early morning watch to Bethlehem-Jerusalem checkpoint with EAPPI. Guided tour in the old city of Hebron: Presentation about the situation with the TIPH, then guided tour to witness settlements inside the town - divided areas - forbidden streets (Shuhada street), closures, divided Ibrahimi mosque. Lunch in the old city. Visit glass and Palestinian scarf factories.
- Friday, August 4: Help farmers at their fields. Afternoon presentation on the Palestinian refugees and right of return by Badil center for refugees. Meeting Refugees and guided tour inside a refugee camp. Folklore Cultural evening at YMCA.
- Saturday, August 5: Ramallah: Visit and meet staff and students at YWCA Vocational Traning Centre - Ramallah. Presentation and doscussion on Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli jails by Addameer. Visit to Nabi Salih / Bili'n (popular resistance). Visit Arafat' tomb. Free time in Ramallah. Farewell dinner.
- Sunday, August 6: Departure.
Criterea / Remarks (read carefully):
- Participants ages should be between 17 and 25 (up to 30 could be allowed for special cases).
- The JAI covers some portion of the program costs, while participation still need to pay some fees of 700 USD per participant, excluding VISA fees (to Israel, if needed in advance).
- The participation fees cover transportation from and to Tel-Aviv airport to the hostel in Beit Sahour, local transportation during the program, accommodation, meals, and all extra (not JAI team) guiding and entrance fees during the Journey. This amount is to be paid in advance by a money transfer, or in cash soon as the participant arrives.
- Each participant, or his/her respective movement or sending organization, covers his/her air ticket. Tickets should be reserved so as to arrive on the 29th of July and departure on the 6th of August 2017. Extra days outside the scope of the Journey can be arranged, but will add extra costs on the participant.
- Participants of nationalities that need a VISA to Israel in advance, they, or their respective movement or sending organization, are resonsible for obtaining and managing their TOURIST VISAs on their own, while the JAI, EJ YMCA or YWCA of Palestine are, unfortunately, unable to help in this matter.
- Deadline for filled applications submission is mid July 2017.
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