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카이러스팔레스타인선언 10주년, Sabeel Wave of Prayer(28th November 2019)

by yunheePathos 2019. 11. 27.
2019. 11월 29일부터 팔레스타인 베들레헴에서는 팔레스타인 민중들의 해방 신앙선언이라고할 수 있는 <카이로스팔레스타인선언(https://yunheepathos.tistory.com/107)
> 10주년을 기념하는 국제행사가 열립니다.

이 행사에는 국제평화 활동가 200여 명과 팔레스타인 400여 명의 활동가들이 모여 팔레스타인 평화와 특별히 삶을 잃어가는 청년들의 문제에 대해 팔레스타인 청년들의 이야기를 듣는 시간이 마련되어 있습니다.

한국YMCA를 포함한 한국 에큐메니컬운동은 한반도의 평화와 한국 개신교의 신학적 회심과 변화를 기도하며 매년 세미나와 예배로 예수의 땅의 민중들과 연대해 왔습니다.

오늘 나누는 기도문은 팔레스타인해방신학연구소인 Sabeel이 매주 목요일마다 참여를 원하는 방문자들과 함께 기도회를 열고 식사를 나누며 전 세계 시민에게 함께 간구할 것을 요청하는 2019년 11월 마지막 주 팔레스타인 평화의 기도문입니다.

힘에 의한 강자의 평화가 아닌 한반도 수난의 역사에서 배워온 약자의 평화와 연대를 위해 팔레스타인 사람들의 기도에 귀기울이며 함께 평화의 기도를 부탁드립니다.

* Sabeel은 세계교회에 제국의 신학/시각에서 벗어나기를 촉구하며 제국의 지배 하에 있는 예수의 땅, 팔레스타인 사람들에 대한 신학적 탐구를 계속 해오고 있습니다.

Sabeel Wave of Prayer
(28th November 2019)
The Great March of Return was suspended again this week over fears that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) would use extreme force against protestors. The UN agency responsible for humanitarian affairs (OCHA) noted in their recent report that half of vulnerable families living in rented accommodation in northern Gaza face eviction threats and legal action due to inability to pay rent due to the high percentage of unemployment caused by the blockade.
Lord, we hold the people of Gaza in our prayers. May your spirit bring justice to the people on the margins who suffer at the hands of the powerful decision makers. Guide us Lord to continue to work to end the injustice and hold Israel responsible for the people they hold under siege. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

In this week’s Kumi Now initiative we look at the work of the Women’s Centre for Legal Aid and Counselling, (WCLAC). This is a non-profit Palestinian organisation which seeks to achieve gender equality and to help defend the rights of women, particularly those who suffer violence. The main tool of violence towards Palestinian women is the night raids carried out by the Israeli army. WCLAC estimates that the Israeli army carries out 1,360 night raids every year. The raids often result in arrests, including the arrests of children. The number of night raids has directly increased with the escalation of illegal settlement construction in the Occupied Territories. WCLAC have submitted evidence to the UN detailing the severe trauma symptoms suffered by women and children affected by the raids.
Lord, we thank you for the work of WCLAC and for their care in collecting evidence from the families who have been traumatised by the raids. We pray for an end to the terrifying night raids carried out by the Israeli army on Palestinian families. Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.

On Thursday, the 21st of November, the United Church of Christ issued a statement following  the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo’s announcement that Israeli settlements built in the West Bank are no longer seen by the current US administration as ‘inconsistent with international law’. The UCC are clear that this announcement is in  contravention to previous administrations and disregards the UN resolution 2334 (December 2016). The UCC has raised its voice in strong opposition to the recent US policy shifts in favour of the Israeli government. They state their opposition to the occupation and their commitment to ‘a just and lasting peace in Israel/ Palestine based on international law and human rights’.
Lord, we thank you for the clear statement of support from the UCC to seek peace in the Holy Land on the basis of justice and righteousness. We pray that churches around the world would continue to speak out and hold the Israeli government to account for the way it continues to build illegal settlements on Palestinian land. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Kairos Palestine is holding its Tenth Anniversary International Conference in Bethlehem on Friday, the 29th of November. The conference will be looking at political and theological changes, in Palestine and worldwide, over the past ten years. It will also be hearing from a panel of young Palestinians about their hopes for the future.
Lord, we pray that those who attend the Kairos Conference will find a place of blessing and encouragement there. We pray that you will renew the strength of our Palestinian brothers and sisters and that ‘they shall run and not grow weary’ (Isaiah 40:3). Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.
On Monday, the 18th of November George Ghazala, a Palestinian scout leader and basketball referee was abducted in a dawn raid by Israeli soldiers from his home in Ramallah. He has been taken to an unknown destination. The Palestinian Basketball Federation has condemned the abduction of one of its referees. They are also calling on international organisations to intervene and bring an end to the harassment being directed at Palestinian sportsmen and women.
Lord, we bring George before you now and pray for your guidance and protection for him. This young man has taken part in activities organised by Sabeel and gives of his time to organise activities for others. We pray that this active and caring young man may know your strength and peace in whatever circumstances he now finds himself. We pray for his safety and for his release. Lord, in your mercy...hear our prayer.

The Dutch government stopped their annual payment to the Ministry of Justice of the Palestinian Authority, on Wednesday, the 20th of November. Their decision came after pressure had been brought to bear by pro-Israeli groups who accuse the PA of supporting terrorists. The PA give financial help to Palestinian families where the wage earners have been killed, injured, or imprisoned by Israel. There are currently five thousand Palestinians in Israeli prisons, most of them detained for activities against the occupation.
Lord, you see poverty and the need of the families in Palestine with family members in prison. We pray that you would prompt others to provide for those who are destitute. We pray for an end to the occupation and for the inhumane treatment of the Palestinian people by the Israeli government. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Mu’ath Amarneh is a Palestinian photojournalist and he was working in Surif near Hebron  when he was shot in his left eye by Israeli border police, even though he was wearing a flak jacket with ‘Press’ clearly marked on it. The incident took place on Friday, the15th of November, when Israelis opened fire on a group of unarmed Palestinians who were protesting the confiscation of their land by settlers from the nearby Bat Ayin settlement. Other journalists have voiced their outrage at this deliberate shooting and demonstrations have taken place in Bethlehem, Ramallah, Nablus, and Gaza.
Lord, we pray for Mu’ath’s recovery and for the second operation he has to undergo to retrieve metal from his eye. We pray that he may be able to continue his work despite being blinded in one eye and that the incident would be fully investigated by the Israeli border police. We thank you for the courage of Palestinian photojournalists who are prepared to risk their own lives to document injustices which occur daily under the occupation.  Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

We join with the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Lord, in your mercy…hear our prayer.

Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center
P. O. Box 49084, Jerusalem 91491
website: www.sabeel.org

아래 링크를 참고하시면 2017년 방문 당시 신학연구소의 목요기도회 풍경을 엿 보실 수 있습니다.
