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에큐메니컬, YMCA

2013년 WCC 부산총회 에큐메니컬 대화 최종 보고서(WCC) : Ecumenical Conversations Reports, Affirmations and Challenges from the 10th Assembly

by yunheePathos 2014. 4. 13.

2013년 WCC 부산총회 에큐메니컬 대화 최종 보고서(WCC)

Ecumenical  Conversations  Reports,
Affirmations  and Challenges from the 10th Assembly


EC 01. Called to Be One: New Ecumenical Landscapes ......................... 1 

EC 02. The Church: Towards a Common Vision ..................................... 9 

EC 03. Transformed by Renewal: Biblical Sources and Ecumenical Perspectives .............................. 15 

EC 04. Moral Discernment for Life, Justice and Peace ..................... 23 

EC 05. We Must Pray Together to Stay Together ............................... 30 

EC 06. Developing Effective Leadership: Contextual Ecumenical Formation and Theological Education 36 

EC 07. Together towards Life: Mission in Changing Contexts ........... 46 

EC 08. Evangelism Today: New Ways for Authentic Discipleship .... 52 

EC 09. Community of Women and Men in the Church: Mutual Recognition and Transformative Justice  .......................... 60 

EC 10. Exploring Christian Self-Identity in a World of Many Faiths .................................................................................................. 69 

EC 11. Bonded with the Marginalized for a Just and Inclusive Church ................................................................................................ 78 

EC 12. The Earth Community Groans: A Call to Ecological Justice and Peace in the Face of Climate Change ...................................... 84 

EC 13. An Economy of Life: Overcoming Greed .................................. 92 

EC 14 Human Security: Sustaining Peace with Justice and Human Rights ...................... 100 

EC 15. The Way of Just Peace: Building Peace Together ................... 109 

EC 16. Religions Working Together for Peace and Freedom ....... 116 

EC 17. The Korean Peninsula: Ecumenical Solidarity for Justice and Peace................................ 122 

13 Reports of the Ecumenical Conversations - Busan Assembly.pdf
