2012년 4월 제주 강정마을 해군기지 추진에 반대하는 한국YMCA전국연맹 영문선언문입니다. 이 선언문은 한글본과 영문본으로 제작되어 세계Y 네트워크를 통해 전세계 평화운동 그룹으로 전달되었습니다.
Korea YMCA's statement for life and peace in Gangjeong Village
“the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. (Roman 8:6)”, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)” Korea YMCA confesses that cross procession of Jesus Christ goes with people in Gangjeong and Gurumbee which are being trampled and destroyed ruthlessly in the name of national security and that God's voice and Spirit is present in local residents' boiling anger and all peace-loving creation's wailing. With such belief, we'd like to testify that Jesus embracing pain of all creation and wishing for peace is existent in Gangjeong and Gurumbee, land of sufferings and pain, where all creation is being destroyed.
Today, in particular, with the 64th anniversary of the Jeju 4/3 strife ahead, we make sure that the construction of the Jeju naval base is not just an issue of Jeju islanders. We announce 'Korea YMCA's statement for peace and life in Gangjeong Village' out of desperation; the just, righteous and peaceful demand of local residents of Jeju should not be ignored and oppressed unilaterally under the cloak of a 'national project.'
1. We declare that the construction of the Jeju naval base is not God's peace.
"Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's.(Matthew 22:21) Korea YMCA do believe that genuine security and peace can be attained not through 'the nation's armed forces and power' but through 'people's solidarity and cooperation.' Peace through the nation's military power does not belong to God's peace. We remember nations have often become the cause of war and violence historically. Genuine peace does not mean trampling the 'voice of peace by people' in the name of the nation; rather it means supporting and assisting them. Peace in East Asia including North and South Korea lies not in the nation's armed forces but in peace-loving people's solidarity and cooperation. We announce, therefore, that with people's wish for peace being trodden down and their lamentation being putting aside, the ongoing construction of the Jeju naval base is not God's peace.
2. We declare that the construction of the Jeju naval base is an act of destruction of God's life and peace.
“the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. (Roman 8:6)” Korea YMCA announces modern civilization made through human-centered modern science and technology and military-industrial complexes can not be sustained any longer and is based on the pain and tears of all creation and mankind created by God. Man's greed is bringing about destruction of the earth, a collective home for mankind; and all creation is moaning and crying out. Resources exploitation and incessant war crises caused by military-industrial complexes prevent us from mentioning peace any more. The accident of the Hukushima nuclear power plant is God's final warning to such a desire of man. Cases of the Jeju naval base, the four-river project and proliferation of nuclear development are showing unlimited human greed and obstructing the fundamental recovery to peaceful coexistence in God's land from modern culture of anti-peace. Accordingly we declare that the construction of the Jeju naval base is an act of destruction of God's life and peace.
3. We declare that the construction of the Jeju naval base is an act of destruction of just peace.
“The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. (Isaiah 32:17)” Korea YMCA has to mention that no justification could be found in the course of the discussion on building the Jeju naval base. We can not help asking, "How shall we build peace in East Asia including North and south Korea? Why should the naval base be built? What procedures were performed to make the social agreement?" The reality we are witnessing is that peace-loving people's lamentation and acts were denounced as some leftist activity; and without justification and public opinion, government authority is employing violence, detention and suppression. Also we are witnessing the cross of suffering residents in Gangjeong and God's tears in Gurumbee which is being blown up helplessly. We regard little breaths and acts of Gangjeong residents and peace activists as a just peace and we confess that they are the Christians bearing the cross of Jesus today and wiping away God's tears. In addition, the construction of the Jeju naval base raises the political and military tension between United States and China; not only does it hamper building of peace and order but also heightens the possibility of military clashes threatening the security of the Korean peninsular. The construction of the Jeju naval base is being push forward and goes against justice for residents of Gangjeong, islanders of Jeju and the whole nation; consequently we declare it is an act of destruction of just peace.
4. Korea YMCA will join peace-loving people in planting seeds of peace, actively responding to God's peace being destroyed and to cries of all creation being killed.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Korea YMCA believes “we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. (2 Peter 3:13)” and as Christians of action we confirm again that “Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. (James 3:18)” Korea YMCA will be with peace-loving people in planting seeds of peace as an witness and announces its position as follows:
1. We support peace activities of residents of Gangjeong and demand that the government release the restrained who were hurt and afflicted by governmental authority to advocate the rights of peace-loving people.
2. We make clear that the construction of the Jeju naval base is against 'God's peace' and can cause political and military tensions and crises in the Korean peninsular and North East Asia; thus we demand an immediate suspension of the construction work and a review and will closely look into the matter.
3. We pray with Christians in Asia including 4 big powers of United States, Japan, Russia and China to build permanent justice and peace in North and South Korea and North East Asia and will strive to build solidarity with them and peace through communication.
4. We hope that conflicts and wounds will be solved and healed in Jeju and we will endeavor to help Jeju become the land of ecology and peace, sprouting seeds of peace.
Korea YMCA gives support to residents of Gangjeong and all peace-loving people in their acts of peace and exchanges greetings of peace with all living things in the universe. “Peace to this house! ”, “In his days may the righteous flourish and prosperity abound till the moon is no more. (Psalm 72:2)”
2012. 4. 2
National Council of YMCAs of Korea
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