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제19차 APAY대회 주요문서 모음집(영문)

by yunheePathos 2015. 10. 21.

Resource book of the 19th General Assembly of APAY.

제19차 APAY대회 주요문서 모음집(영문)이 발간되었습니다.


모음집은 한국YMCA시민아카이브에서도 확인하실 수 있습니다.


I. The 19th General Assembly of Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs

1. Welcome Address
Rev. Shin Ho Lee (President, National Council of YMCAs of Korea)
Mr. Yau Chung Wan (President, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)
Mr. Kohei Yamada (General Secretary, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)

2. Keynote Speech
Dr. Yoon Jae Chang (Professor, Ewha Womans University; Chair, Committee on Mission and Work, NCYK)

3. Biblical Reflection
Dr. Jae Woong Ahn (Former President, National Council of YMCAs of Korea)
Dr. Bart Shaha (Former Secretary General, World Alliance of YMCAs)
Rev. Johan Vilhelm Eltvik (Secretary General, World Alliance of YMCAs)

4. Acceptance Speech
Mr. Babu Markus Gomes (Newly Elected President, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)
Mr. Boo Won Nam (Newly Elected General Secretary, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs)

5. Strategic Dialogue
Summary of Recommendations from the Work Groups and Shaping the Future Session
10 Summaries of Strategic Discussions

6. Mandate
19th APAY General Assembly
3rd APAY Youth Assembly
Resolution of the 19th General Assembly of APAY on the Outcome of the
Cheorwon International Peace Conference

II. Cheorwon International Peace Conference

1. Welcome Address
Mr. Peter Posner (President, World Alliance of YMCAs)

2. Keynote Speech
Dr. David Kwang-sun Suh (Former President, World Alliance of YMCAs)

3. Biblical Reflection
Dr. Jae Woong Ahn (Former President, National Council of YMCAs of Korea)

V. Appendix
1. Declaration of the Foundation of Council of Peace and Reunification Movement of YMCA Korea, 'Walk Together to Peace'
2. International Campaign for the Signing of a Peace Treaty: 2015 First Korea Peace Day Announcement

IV. Photo Album
