[제7차 한중일YMCA 평화포럼 Senior National Report : Japan]
2017. 12.16-20. 광주 프라도호텔
10 Year Reflection and Vision on Sino-Japan-Korea Peace Forum
A Perspective from Japan YMCA
Seiichi Kanzaki
NGS National Council of YMCAs of Japan
At 2012 Peace Forum in Ihcheon, aligning with the global YMCA movement for Youth Empowerment, we decided to invite youth to the Forum. Implementing the forum in Hiroshima, Nanjing and Gwangju, the initiative has been gradually taken by youth. This deserves the recognition.
In East Asia region, culture of seniority has developed strong gap between different generations. Therefore Japan YMCA has been making effort for the youth empowerment in different level. “Sending youth to WAY Change Agent program” and “organizing 2016 Japan YMCA General Assembly by youth” is some example of our youth empowerment action after Nanjing Forum.
Global Citizenship Project by NCY Japan, Japan-Korea Student YMCAs Exchange Program, Hiroshima YMCA Peace Forum, YMCA Setouchi-Jogjakarta YMCA Peace Camp and Cultural Events by many YMCA Japanese Schools are also good example of youth-driven Peace Building effort in our regular activities.
For 2017 Forum, Japan YMCA formed a youth committee and most of the preparation and planning was done by the committee. Pre-Forum meetings were held in Tokyo and Kobe to learn about the relationship of Sino-Japan and Korea-Japan in past history as well as Gwangju Democratic movement. Inter-generational discussion on “peace” and “democracy” was also held at the meeting and it was very meaningful for every participants.
Therefore, Japan YMCA would like to propose as below for the 2017 Forum and future Forums.
Same as current forum, both youth and senior participates the forum. The forum will be organized by youth to have their vision and action for peace building by continuing discussion on “peace” at every future forum. Senior participants will listen to the voice of youth and make commitment as servant leaders for youth.
We also need to ask ourselves if we continue the forum together with youth and senior. This is a chance for us to re-consider how the forum will exist considering the matter of bilateral meetings among 3 countries.
Japan YMCA suggests as below
The Peace Forum will be continued for all generation of staff and volunteer of Japan, Korea and China YMCA to learn, think and take action on common and unique issues for peace building of 3 countries.
Japan-China and Japan-Korea bilateral meetings will be paused and instead, the NGS and national staff of Japan, Korea and China will meet once every year at the administration level to share and discuss the partnership and other cooperative program such as the Peace Forum.
日中韓YMCA平和フォーラム これまでの10年の振り返りとこれからの10年
l これまでと同様に、ユースとシニアの両世代が参加をする。ユースが中心となって平和について積極的にディスカッションを重ねながら今後のビジョンと具体的なアクションを描く一方、シニアはそのユースの声に耳を傾け、ユースに仕える立場としてどのように自らがコミットできるかを考えるフォーラムにする。
l 日中韓YMCA平和フォーラムでは、世代の壁を越えた平和構築について日中韓での共通と個別の課題について学び、考え、それぞれの国でのアクションをその時々の状況に合わせて継続しつつ、同時に日中韓の交流の機会とする。
l 日中連絡委員会、日韓連絡委員会については一旦休止として、代わりに日本YMCA同盟・韓国YMCA連盟・中国YMCA全国協会が1年に一度事務レベルでの会合を開き、各国間のパートナーシップや平和フォーラムのような協働プログラムについての情報共有や協議を行う。